27 August 2018

Quebec Marriage Contract

Marriage contract, Quebec, family, Marriage, French traditions, French
My Ancestors in Quebec
365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

If you did your DNA, did you also find your Haplo group?
365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

32 sets of GreatGreatGreatGrandparents.  Do you know all of your 
Yet? Get busy if you don't.

25 August 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

It's in the mix.
Your DNA mix is who you are.  Eye, Hair, skin color.  Shape of eyes, teeth, nose. Sound of your voice.  It's all in your DNA Mix.

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 


With DNA comes your Haplo Group.

Your origins tru the oldest female lines.  
Girls and Women only carry their Mothers.  It is continuously passed on through the generations.  Mother to daughter, Mother to son.

A Man will never pass his Mothers Haplo group on to his children.

Curious how the children of Israel state that they are Jewish through their mother. 

24 August 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

14.   Google Translate

It Translated this:
206.340   Jordaen Willems de BROUWER
Familienaam • Index 206.340 • Vader 412.174 • Moeder 412.175 • Tevens 206.380, 412.258

Overleden voor 1485
Vermoedelijk al dood in 1463: ‘de kinderen van’ worden dan vermeld; 1468: het erf dat eerder van Joerden Sbrouwers was. In 1466 vermeld: erf van de kinderen Willem Brouwers. In 1470: vidimus van een akte uit 1429 met daarin “Joerden Jans de Brouwer als wettige man van Agnesen dochter van genoemde Dirck (van der Vloet)”

ORA Oirschot (Toirkens 126a fol 44 nos 208/209 dd resp Allerheiligen en St Hubertus 1493) Joerden Joerden Sbrouwerss heeft beloofd aan zijn broer Henrick die voortaan jaarlijks een pacht van 21 mud rogge te gaan betalen, maat van Oirschot, steeds vervallend op Maria Lichtmisdag, op onderpand van een huis, tuin etc,. gelegen onder Erdbruggen hier groot ca. een bunder, b.p. Gielis Stansen, Jan Wouters van de Loo, Peter Lanen, de erfgenamen van Heijlwich Heijmericks, de gemeenschappelijke straat. (Idem 209) Joerden Joerden Sbrouwers heeft beloofd aan Frank de Haest die voortaan een pacht van 1 mud rogge per jaar te gaan betalen, maat van Oirschot, steeds op Maria Lichtmisdag op onderpand van het hiervoor genoemde bezit onder Erdbruggen.

ORA Oirschot (Toirkens 126a fol 22 nos 125-6 dd 1-9-1495) Jonker Wernaert van Merode zoon van wijlen heer Ricalt van Merode verkoopt met brieven etc. aan Cornelis Smeeds ten behoeve van Henrick Joerden Brouwers een rente van 4 rijnsguldens per jaar, geslagen door de 4 Keurvorsten, met 5 achterstallige termijnen, welke rente Jan Jan Bruijstens en zijn wettige vrouw Aleijt eeder hadden beloofd aan heer Ricalt van Merode en diens vrouw Margriet van Arkenteel, steeds te betalen op St. Gielisdag op onderpand van een huis, tuin etc. gelegen onder Erdbruggen hier, b.p. Jan Brouwers, de gemeenschappelijke straat. Nog op onderpand van een beemd genoemd de Ter Meijenbeemd, groot ca. 3 en een halve bunder, b.p. Goijaert van Berckt, de erfgenamen van Goijaert van der Vloeten, de gemeenschappelijke straat. De verkoper namens de erfgenamen ook van heer Ricalt van Merode belooft alle lasten van zijn kant af te handelen. (Idem 126) Joerden de Brouwer belooft jonker Wernaert van Merode per a.s. Maria Lichtmisdag over een jaar, 40 rijnsguldens te betalen, waarbij de gouden rijnsgulden 25 stuivers is, etc. samen met een rente van 2 peters, elke peter tegen 18 stuivers.

ORA Oost- en Middelbeers (Transcriptie Jan Toirkens 1542-1553 fol 5r no 15 dd 14-4-1542) Jan zoon wijlen Jan de Cort door wijlen deze Jan de Cort verwekt bij diens vrouw Elisabeth wettige dochter van wijlen Joerden Sbrouwers, verder Mathijs zoon wijlen Dirck zoon wijlen Dirck Mesmakers door deze laatste wijlen Dirck verwekt bij diens vrouw Isabelle wettige dochter van Joerden Sbrouwers, voor hemzelf handelend en voor Dirck, Marie, Adriaan, Aleijt en Agnese zijn broers en zusters waarvoor hij optreedt, verder Henrick en Dirck broers en wettige kinderen van wijlen Willem van Berze door deze Willem verwekt bij zijn vrouw Marie wettige dochter van wijlen Simon Dircks, door deze Simon verwekt bij diens vrouw Agnesen wettige dochter van wijlen Joerden, verder Jan en Aert broers en wettige kinderen van wijlen Joerden zoon wijlen genoemde Joerden Sbrouwers, Wouter Jan Toerkens als man van Agnese wettige dochter van wijlen genoemde Joerden, voor henzelf handelend en voor Jan Philips van Herzele als man van Anna wettige dochter van wijlen genoemde Joerden, nog Willem Goijaert Aelbrechts als man van Aleijt wettige dochter van wijlen genoemde Joerden, verder Joerden zoon wijlen Henrick zoon wijlen Joerden Sbrouwers, voor hemzelf handelend en voor zijn zusters Elisabeth en Luijtgaerden, Jan Peter Stapels als wettige man van Marie, Mathijs Jan Hacken als wettige man van Agneees, beide wettige dochters van wijlen genoemde Henrick Brouwers, verder Joerden en Marcelis broers en wettige kinderen van wijlen Goijaert Marcelissen door deze Goijaert verwekt bij diens wettige vrouw Jacop wettige dochter van wijlen Henrick Sbrouwers, verder Henrick Jan Roggen als wettige man van Peter wettige dochter van wijlen genoemde Goijaert en Jacop, verder Jacop zoon wijlen Aert Zwanen als wettige man van Agnesen wettige dochter van wijlen Jacop Verheijden door deze Jacop verwekt bij diens vrouw Heijlwig, wettige dochter van genoemde Joerden Sbrouwers voor hemzelf handelend en voor Jan zoon wijlen genoemde Jacop en Heijlwig, verder Gijsbrecht zoon wijlen Pauwels Vlemmincks door deze Pauwels verwekt bij diens vrouw Heijlwig wettige dochter van Dirck zoon weijlen genoemde Jorden Sbrouwers, Henrick Dionijs Colen weduwnaar van wijlen Beelken wettige dochterr van wijlen genoemde Pauwels Vlemmincks, nog Jan wettige zoon van Henrik Dionijs Colen voor hemzelf handelend en voor Jan, Marten, Peter, Henrick Laureijs, Heijlwig, Aleijt en Elisabeth, zijnde alle kinderen van laatstgenoemde Henrick (Colen), nog Joest Willem Dionijs als wettige man van Cornelis wettige dochter van wijlen genoemde Pauwels Vlemmincks, Frank

To This:

206,340 Jordaen Willems de BROUWER
Surname • Index 206.340 • Father 412.174 • Mother 412.175 • Also 206.380, 412.258

Died before 1485
Presumably already dead in 1463: 'the children of' are then mentioned; 1468: the yard that was previously owned by Joerden Sbrouwers. In 1466 mentioned: yard of the children Willem Brouwers. In 1470: vidimus of a deed from 1429 containing "Joerden Jans de Brouwer as legal man of Agnesen's daughter Dirck (van der Vloet)"

ORA Oirschot (Toirkens 126a fol 44 nos 208/209 of All Saints and St Hubertus 1493) Joerden Joerden Sbrouwerss promised to his brother Henrick that from now on every year a rent of 21 mud rye to go, measure of Oirschot, always falling on Maria Lichtmisdag , on the basis of a house, garden etc ,. located under Erdbruggen here large approx. a bunder, b.p. Gielis Stansen, Jan Wouters van de Loo, Peter Lanen, the heys of Heijlwich Heijmericks, the common street. (Idem 209) Joerden Joerden Sbrouwers has promised to Frank de Haest that from now on a rent of 1 mud rye per year to pay, measure of Oirschot, always on Maria Lichtmisdag on the basis of the aforementioned property under Erdbruggen.

ORA Oirschot (Toirkens 126a fol 22 nos 125-6 dated 1-9-1495) Jonker Wernaert van Merode son of the late Mr. Ricalt van Merode sells letters to Cornelis Smeeds on behalf of Henrick Joerden Brouwers an interest of 4 tributes per year , beaten by the 4 Electors, with 5 overdue installments, which interest Jan Jan Bruijstens and his lawful wife Aleijt had promised to Mr. Ricalt van Merode and his wife Margriet van Arkenteel, to always pay on St. Gielisdag on the basis of a house, garden etc. located under Erdbruggen here, bp Jan Brouwers, the common street. Still on the collateral of a beemd called the Ter Meijenbeemd, large approx. 3 and a half bunder, b.p. Goijaert van Berckt, the heirs of Goijaert van der Vloeten, the common street. The seller on behalf of the heirs also of Mr. Ricalt van Merode promises to handle all the expenses on his part. (Ditto 126) Joerden de Brouwer promises youngster Wernaert van Merode per a.s. Maria Lichtmisdag over a year, pay 40 guilders, with the golden guilders 25 pennies, etc. together with an interest of 2 pars, each peter against 18 stivers.

ORA Oost- and Middelbeers (Transcription Jan Toirkens 1542-1553 fol 5r no 15 dd 14-4-1542) Jan son the late Jan de Cort by the late Jan de Cort fathered his wife Elisabeth legal daughter of the late Joerden Sbrouwers, further Mathijs son the late Dirck son the late Dirck Mesmakers by the latter late Dirck conceived with his wife Isabelle legal daughter of Joerden Sbrouwers, acting for him and for Dirck, Marie, Adriaan, Aleijt and Agnese his brothers and sisters for whom he acts, also Henrick and Dirck brothers and The legitimate children of the late Willem van Berze by this Willem fathered his wife Marie the legitimate daughter of the late Simon Dircks, fathered by his wife Agnesen's legitimate daughter of the late Joerden, furthermore Jan and Aert brothers and legal children of the late Joerden son mentioned Joerden Sbrouwers, Wouter Jan Toerkens as husband of Agnese legal daughter of the late Joerden, acting for them and for Jan Philips van Herzele as husband of Anna lawful daughter of the late Joerden, still Willem Goijaert Aelbrechts as husband of Aleijt's legitimate daughter of the late Joerden, further Joerden son the late Henrick son the late Joerden Sbrouwers, acting for himself and for his sisters Elisabeth and Luijtgaerden, Jan Peter Stapels as legal husband of Marie, Mathijs Jan Hacken as legal husband of Agneees, both legitimate daughters of the mentioned Henrick Brouwers, further Joerden and Marcelis brothers and legitimate children of the late Goijaert Marcelissen conceived by this Goijaert with his legal wife Jacop legal daughter of the late Henrick Sbrouwers, further Henrick Jan Roggen as legal husband of Peter legal daughter of the late Goijaert and Jacop, further Jacop son the late Aert Zwanen as legal husband of Agnesen legal daughter of the late Jacop Verheijden by this Jacop conceived by his wife Heijlwig, legal daughter of said Joerden Sbrouwers acting for himself and for Jan his late son named Jacop and Heijlwig, further Gijsbrecht son the late Pauwels Vlemmincks by these Pauwels conceived by his wife Heijlwig lawful daughter of Dirck son named Jorden Sbrouwers, Henrick Dionijs Colen widower of the late Beelken legal daughter of the late Pauwels Vlemmincks, still Jan legal son of Henrik Dionijs Colen acting for himself and for Jan, Marten, Peter, Henrick Laureijs, Heijlwig, Aleijt and Elisabeth, being all children of the latter Henrick (Colen), still Joest Willem Dionijs as legal husband of Cornelis legal daughter of the aforementioned Pauwels Vlemmincks, Frank

23 August 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 


  Your DNA can give you a whole new way to look at yourself.

Finding family on Facebook and other Social Media.

What stories can you share with us?  Add a comment share your success or unfriendly story.
365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

Do you know who to pass on the genealogy to in your family.  Will it be one of your children grandchild, niece, nephew, or a great one of these.
365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

16 sets of Grandparents
{you thinking yet?}
365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

8 Sets of Grandparents
365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

Four Sets of Grandparents

365 Days a Year

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules

Who are the Parents.

365 Days a Year

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

Who was born to Who

DUTCH GENEALOGY INFORMATION Found at: http://www.van-diemen-de-jel.nl/Genea/GeneaEN.html

Need Help with your Dutch Roots,  then have a quick read.  It helped me understand alot about how woman used her maiden name and husbands name through her lifetime.

Starting Genealogy in the Netherlands
2017-02-16  P van Diemen


This document is not about learning genealogy, but intended for genealogists starting research in the Netherlands.  It explains the administrative system, and what can be found in it.


In the Netherlands, particular events in a person's live are officially recorded.  The typical events are just what genealogists are looking for:  birth, marriage and death.  The current administrative system is called the Burgerlijke Stand (civil registration, abbreviated ‘BS’).  And there are the Volkstellingen (census) which were held every 10 years, but abandoned in the 1970's.
Before the introduction of the Burgerlijke Stand in 1811 there was a comparable but less extensive system in Church Records.
Note:  In the Dutch system, a woman keeps her maiden name after marriage (certainly in the ‘Burgerlijke Stand’, but it was common before that).  She may use her husbands surname in front of her surname, separated by a hyphen.  E.g. when a Sylvia de Boer married a Klaas Jansen, she may call herself Sylvia Jansen-de Boer.  In every day's life she may be known as Sylvia Jansen, but for any official administration she remains Sylvia de Boer (married to…).
Children will get the surname of the father.  Modern legislation allows more flexibility, in particular for children, but that is of no consequence for genealogists researching the past.
Note:  Dutch surnames often have a preposition ('van', 'van der', 'de', 'ter', …);  such prepositions are part of the surname but not used in alphabetic ordering or in a search.  E.g. you will find 'van Diemen' indicated and sorted as 'Diemen, van'.  For a search you can often specify the prepositions in a special entry called 'tussenvoegsel'.  See Spelling for more on prepositions, spelling and ordering of Dutch names.


  The official record of an event is called an Akte (record, deed, certificate).  They were written in books which are now in an archive (Dutch: ‘archief’).  Each municipality has its own archive, but the civil registration sections which are now public are concentrated in the Provincial Archives and the archives of major towns (like Amsterdam and Rotterdam).  People (which includes genealogists ;-) can visit those archives and view the books (commonly via micro fiche).
Note:  that the dates are recorded in 'European' format:  dd-mm-yyyy or dd month year.


  Genealogy is a very popular hobby in the Netherlands, and many genealogists are doing volunteer work in transcribing old registrations.  Most ‘Akten’ have now been digitised and made accessible via the internet, so you don’t have to travel at all and can research the records from the comfort of your home.  Regarding civil registrations, the Netherlands is one of the most digitised country in the world (with Iceland as first ?).  There are various forms of digitisation:

For the rest please travel right on over to:    http://www.van-diemen-de-jel.nl/Genea/GeneaEN.html

09 August 2018


It takes two to yes !

My ancestor David Putman born 1 March 1783 in New York State has been found to have parents.  From New York State.  He was not a loyalist.  He arrived in Ontario way after the USA Revolution War.  His arrival was around 1806.
Yep My sister and I have concurred on his parents.

The reveal to come very soon. 

23 January 2018

What do you get when you mix many ethnic groups together?

An American

Van der Spiegel and de Rjicke European cousins Help needed!!! Van der Spiegel en de Rjicke Europese neven hulp nodig!!! Van der Spiegel et de Rjicke européennes cousines besoin d'aide!!! Van der Spiegel und de Rjicke europäischen Vettern Hilfe benötigt!

I have hit a huge Brick Wall. 

 My 3rd Great Grandparents Louis Van der Spiegel* & Idonia Rjicke.
Spiegel; Married Couple; Dutch; Belgium; Family History; Genealogy
Spiegel; Married Couple; Dutch; Belgium; Family History; Genealogy

They were suppose to have married in Belgium.  I cannot locate any such record for them.  

* Spiegel name has been written several ways, Speigel, Spegiel, Spegel, also with the der, then with Van der.  

07 January 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules 

Family Celebrate together

06 January 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules

Aunts And Uncles
Blood Related

05 January 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules

Great Great Grandparents/

04 January 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules

4 Two Sets of Grandparents/

03 January 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules

Grandparents/ Ancestors

  Children/ Decedents

  Grandchildren/ Descendants

02 January 2018

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules

2          Parents/Ancestor 

365 Days a Year, 
365 Family History-Genealogy Rules

       1   Person 

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